Conditional CNN

Simulation Scheme: There are 128 sensors evenly spaced. Width of each sensor is 0.27 mm and empty space between each sensor is 0.03 mm. We assume that there is no attenuation. Image has 50 mm…

FieldII Moving Bubble Simulations

Using Field II Simulator, we want to simulate moving bubble movement. We simulate three different scenarios: Random Walk, Bubbles in Linear Vessels, Bubbles in Circular Vessels. Below simulation schema is valid for all three scenarios….

Combination of Patches

This post is about how to combine patches to obtain the whole ultrasound simulation. The neural network training procedure is described the below post: . In the training, input patches were 64 pixels *…

ULM Through DL 13

In these set of experiments, we changed the pixel size and upsampling scheme. Simulation Scheme: There are 128 sensors evenly spaced. Width of each sensor is 0.27 mm and empty space between each sensor is…

ULM Through DL 12(Near Field )

In these experiments, we used near field patches and used the loss function form the previous blog. Summary: sigmaoff \(\lambda \) learningrate numberofepochs batchsize Q1 Q2 Q1perbubble Q2perbubble % gap betweentrainingand validation exp1 1 0.005…

ULM Through DL 11(Far Field)

This is the continuation of the previous blog post. Only difference is that we change the loss function as below: \[ loss = MSEloss(z-v) + \lambda \times L1loss(z)\] Summary: sigmaoff \(\lambda \) learningrate numberofepochs batchsize…

ULM Through DL 10(Far Field)

This work is continuation of previous blog named as ULM Through DL 8. The only difference is that in training phase, we used random shuffling. Summary Table 1: sigmaoff \(\lambda \) learningrate numberof epochs batch…


In experiments 7, randomized validation set is used.(f,f_0 in pixel coordinates) In experiments 8, only far field patches are used and randomized validation set used. (f,f_0 in pixel coordinates) In experiments 9, only far field…

ULM Through DL 8(Far Field)

This work is continuation of previous blog named as ULM Through DL 7. The only difference is that patches are coming from far region. It means that patch centers start at 34 mm in z…